Friday, June 20, 2008

The Primal Consumer

This week we watched The Hidden Persuaders, a documentary on the advertising industry. Two people from the video that caught my attention were Frank Lutz and Clotaire Rapaille. Being a small business owner myself, as well as a poet, I'm very interested in the emotional and psychological aspects of advertising and how they interrelate with words and phrases. I want to know what my customers want to hear and what they don't want to hear. I want to know what they want from me and what they want from my products and services. Most of all, I want to know what pulls their strings, and what will motivate them to buy my products.

Specifically I'd like to learn more about reptilian hot buttons and the language of advertising. In other words, which words to use, and which words not to use to appeal to customers and draw them in. Unfortunately I can't afford to be "on code", but the video gave me a basic framework for appealing to customers and communicating with their reptilian brains. I now understand that as a marketer, I need to appeal to people's basest vices. Hopefully I'll be able to find more detailed information about how to do so online.

1 comment:

Lilly Buchwitz said...

You only write enough to pique my interest. Remember, the truth is in the detail. What is your business, and who are your customers? What would be your "code"?

Remember to include at least one link.